Flight April 12, 2005

CFI: Larry Mitchell
First part of post-solo progress check, my first flight with Larry Mitchell. Every instructor's perspective is diffferent. It was good to fly with Larry, and it being my first time, and a little less familiarity than with Al, it was more like a check ride. We had some good fun, and Larry's got a good sense of humor, yet he was more about going by the letters this flight. Each new instructor requires things that the others might have asked for only once. In the end, the way to succeed is do checklists, control the left turning tendency, and don't knock the nose wheel off or prop-strike. Beyond that, be safe, and you will keep check instructors happy, for the most part. Something that I was never conscious of prior to flying with Larry -- it's slightly easier to listen to a teacher that's at least a year or two older than I am.